Live rock... Is it really worth it?
A question we often get asked in store is do we sell live rock, and the simple answer is no, and until the impossible scenario arises where its able to be sourced sustainably and ethically, then the answer is still no.
Aquaculture and Mariculture - why it is not only vital for our hobby, but for the reefs too
Coral reefs are one of the most awe-inspiring organisms on the planet. With their unique shapes and amazing colouration, they're highly prized by both suppliers and marine aquarium owners. However, the unfortunate truth is, the world’s coral reefs are dying, with some scientists even going as far as suggesting that without intervention, they are past the point of no return, the major cause of this is mass coral bleaching.
TRUE L183 White Seam Super Starlight Plecos Species Profile
Finest Aquatics has managed to source some TRUE L183 White Seam Super Starlight Plecos, these will be very high demand and in short supply! Read the full species profile here.
Josh’s Guide To Freshwater Algae
Sooner or later, there will be a time when you notice some form of algae growing in your aquarium, and unfortunately it is one of the leading causes behind people leaving this amazing hobby, often saying it takes too much time and effort to be constantly cleaning their aquariums.
Are water changes necessary in a fresh water aquarium?
Are water changes necessary in a fresh water aquarium?
Short answer: Yes, 25% per week as a minimum. Long answer: Read on...
Work continuing on our new retail store!
Our new retail store livestock facility installation continues. Over 40 tanks now installed - only 200 to go!